
About us

Nezabutni UNITED is an initiative of the Charitable Foundation “Nezabutni” (“Nezabutni” CF) with support of The MSF Foundation, part of the international independent medical organisation “Doctors Without Borders” (Médecins Sans Frontières).

The aim of Nezabutni UNITED initiative is to combine all the information about assistance that elderly people as well as people with dementia and their families, can get in times of the war in Ukraine. Here you can find information about our services in Ukraine as well as abroad. You can also find advice and various useful information and resources.

“Nezabutni” CF helps people who live with dementia and their families. The charity works to create a dementia friendly society.

In order to improve the efficiency of services and to develop recommendations for the provision of care for people with dementia in wartime, Nezabutni conducted a survey “Impact of the war in Ukraine on the lives of people with dementia and their carers”. You can read and download the research below.

Read the research

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international non-governmental organization, founded in Paris in 1971. It provides medical and humanitarian assistance to populations in need without discrimination on the basis of race, religion, creed or political affiliation, in contexts of epidemic, endemic, natural disaster and conflict in more than 70 countries.

The MSF Foundation is a specialized entity created by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) dedicated to medical innovation targeting patients living in contexts with limited resources.


Online support

You can receive online support, medical and psychological, from any place in the world.

  • We offer free consultations with a psychiatrist to address urgent issues. Fill the form to register.

We offer psychological assistance in individual and group formats.

  • Individual sessions with a psychologist involve a face-to-face conversation with a psychologist through an online platform convenient for you. Fill the form to register
  • Support groups — are therapeutic group meetings in the online format. They are moderated by professional psychologists of the “Nezabutni” foundation and include upto 8 participants per session. Fill the form to register

Help in Ukraine

Support with medications

  • Those who need assistance in finding, buying and delivering medications can fill the form and get support. Our volunteers help to find medications and send them by mail. We cover the cost of medications and hygiene products in cases people cannot afford them.
  • “Nezabutni” CF together with Americares brought to Ukraine more than 800kg of medications for people with dementia. These medications can be received for free in the Chebotarev Institute of Gerontology in Kyiv or be delivered by our volunteers.

Support with evacuation

  • Those who plan to evacuate on their own or wish to evacuate their parents please fill the form to receive support. Our volunteers stay in touch with people until the end of the evacuation process and help to find transport, a nurse or a place to stay. You can also find links to official information channels and useful resources about evacuation.
  • “Nezabutni” CF is working closely with MSF and the Ministry of Social affairs in the project of evacuating people from dangerous regions.
  • “Nezabutni” CF has created a map of private nursing homes in Ukraine which is being updated on the weekly basis. Together with other information it indicated the number of free beds.

Help abroad

We have collected information about European countries that host Ukrainians.

Here you will find information about:

  • rights and opportunities of asylum seekers,
  • medical care,
  • helping people with dementia and their families,
  • assistance to people with disabilities,
  • psychological support.

This information is being updated on the constant basis.

Useful information

We collect information and resources that are relevant for the elderly and people with dementia at this difficult time.

Here are some tips for helping people with dementia during the war:

If you need other help or have questions and suggestions please contact us:

If you would like to support people living with dementia and their relatives in this extremely difficult period for Ukraine, please donate. Any amount will be helpful!

Donate through LiqPay


Make a donation by bank transfer

  • EUR

    Account name: NEZABUTNI CH
    Bank Address: 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR. KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE
    Account Number: UA693052990000026009026229881
    Swift Code: PBANUA2X
    Beneficiary Address: 01032 Kyiv, 13
    Nazarivska str, off.6

    Account in the correspondent bank 400886700401
    SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank COBADEFF
    Correspondent bank Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

    Account in the correspondent bank 6231605145
    SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank CHASDEFX
  • USD

    Account name: NEZABUTNI CH
    Bank Address: 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR. KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE
    Account Number: UA603052990000026002036228556
    Swift Code: PBANUA2X
    Beneficiary Address: 01032 Kyiv, 13
    Nazarivska str, off.6

    Account in the correspondent bank 001-1-000080
    SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank CHASUS33
    Correspondent bank JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York ,USA

    Account in the correspondent bank 890-0085-754
    SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank IRVT US 3N
    Correspondent bank The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, USA